
I like to think I am a creative trapped in a corporate body.

I have always admired people who can seamlessly be themselves, without placating someone else’s agenda for them.

One of my resolutions to myself is to expose that creative just a little more to the world without fear of criticism. So I am allowing myself to return to me. Allowing myself to be the person I am on the inside, outside. It sounds simple, but as anyone who took a pre-chosen path in life will tell you, its kind of tough. So I am letting my heart lead the dance for 2014. The one word to sum up what I feel now is Inspired.

I am constantly open for inspiration in the smallest things in life. As my luck would have it, I found it and myself in Scottsdale, Arizona.

As many fans of the site may know, I travel A LOT for my job. On these travels, I do try to carve out a little fun for myself in the various cities I have been to. A perfect way to experience another city is to visit any of their cultural hotspots read: museums. I LOVE museums. They are the perfect way to learn at your own pace and find new artists. It was at the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art I stumbled upon Julianne Swartz.

In this exhibit, Julianne Swartz combined different elements to tie the viewer to one question: “How deep is your…..”

If you noticed this seemed a bit of an incomplete question. ‘How deep is my what?’ Was my first thought. Walking through the exhibit took me through the range of emotions, I believe Julianne intended the viewer to experience:

How deep is your {love}?


This piece challenged me to think of how much love gets thrown at you each day. How much you just ignore on a daily basis. How many hearts have I left hurting? or broken? Such a powerful thought.

How deep is your {understanding}?


This is by far one of the most haunting pieces I think I have ever seen. The piece is a wall of wires and speakers. It is called ‘Loop’. As you sit and listen you hear all types of different sounds. Naturally you want to find a pattern. But in my 15 minutes of just sitting, there wasn’t one to be found. The sounds you heard ranged from children to nature, to a tiny voice pleading for your attention. Sometimes that’s my everyday life. The struggle to make sense of everything that comes your way, to ultimately understand how it all ties together to your life. Very interesting piece, and by far my favorite.

Then to conclude this exhibit was a question: What could a person say to let you know you are loved?


Check out my response below, and then post your own thoughts. Julianne’s exhibit is a touring one and may be available in a town near you.



(All photo credits are due to B. Young, all art credits to Julianne Swartz. Enjoy đŸ˜‰

What do you think?